Catherine Keller on Process, Poetry, & Post-Structuralism [Barrel Aged]

Tripp Fuller show

Summary:  Catherine Keller is clearly one of the most brilliant theologians taking residence on our planet and she is our Barrel Aged interview this week.  We have done a bunch of process theology on the podcast but we haven’t had a process thinker who connects Whitehead with Deleuze and Derrida so sit back, relax, and get ready for a whole world of new ideas for your theological imagination. Catherine has a ton of books (On the Mystery is a book for everyone), Facebook author page, and a super-spiffy Professor page at Drew University (plus tons of free lectures\chapters for your reading). Catherine is a theological poet…theology needs more poets!!! Many thanks to Catherine for sharing her imagination and time.  May you all join the Nicolas of Cusa fan club. Don't forget to make your plans to attend a LIVE Homebrewed Christianity Podcast w/ Catherine Keller & John Cobb at the 2014 AAR/SBL gathering in San Diego.  It will be Friday November 21, 2014 from 700-900 pm at the Hilton Bayfront in room 202-A.  Anyone & everyone is welcome.