How to Power Up in Life & Business when You’re Down, Discouraged & Depleted

Power Up Living with Kelly Galea show

Summary: Feel like 2014 is just starting? Not sure where the first 2 months of the year have gone? Or are you acutely aware, because it feels like you’re catering to everyone else’s needs, priorities and crises ... at the expense of your time, energy and resources?? Then you’ll want to tune in for this episode with host Kelly Galea. She’s had her own share of energy-draining situations the last few months which left her feeling run down, frustrated and irritated -- many times, anything but “powered up.” She’ll share the ways she recaptured and maintained a positive charge, turning around more than a few stress-inducing situations in a short time.  Here’s a snapshot: Move 2 adults, 3 pets & a business … + Add husband's business HQ move + Rebrand a business (again) + Mix in 4 adults in 1000 sf for the holidays + Host parties & events (why not?!?) + Add a sick dog, then major surgery for said dog -- while she’s healing, add a 2-night hospital stay for a cat + Relaunch radio show, websites, etc. + Launch an Amazon best-seller + Attempt not to gain any weight, lose any sleep, or drink too much wine along the way ;-) While Kelly loves learning something new every day and appreciates the Universe’s sense of humor, she just wasn’t quite getting it! In fact, she was feeling like there must be a hidden camera somewhere recording this comedy of errors, chaos and dysfunction. The absurdity of it all made her want to laugh AND cry!  Can you relate? Join Kelly as she shares how she made lemonade (and lemontinis) out of life’s lemons & helps bring you a sense of peace and calm in this crazy world.   Bring a glass -- she’ll bring the lemonade and lemontinis.