Episode 7: Big-hair learns a new phrase!

The Nexy Show : World Of Warcraft Gaming Podcast! show

Summary: In Episode 7 the Nexy Nurses give the test results from the gaming community answering the question, "What game/expansion do you feel will not live up to the hype this year?". We head into Lunch Time Logic with Esmeralda Sky and Big-hair where they discus World of Warcraft, Wildstar, Smite and teach Big-hair a new Phrase! Then Esmeralda gives you your short Nexy Next News covering WOW and Wildstar! We then head into Parenting chat with Esmeralda and Momma Joy Joy while they discuss how things were like for Momma Joy Joy back when she gave birth and some weird tales about how things were back when she was growing up. The Show finishes of with a great collaboration between Ceschiia and Timeless with a WOW Parody Called "Raid Something". WILD AND WOW NEWS LINKS:WILDSTAR NEWSWAR PLOT INFO AND VIDEOWARLORDS OF DRAENOR  Pre-salesWOW BATTLENET SITEWOW MOVIE INFORAID SOMETHING WOW PARODY By Ceschiia and Timeless Parenting Chat COCONUT OIL CRADLE CAP INFOYou can Email the Show: TheNexyShow@gmail.comYou can follow the show on Twitter @nexyshowYou can follow Bighair on twitter @Darthfuzhockey9You can follow Esmeralda Sky @casuallycasualThe Show RSS Feed can be found on www.thenexyshow.podbean.com