Vitalik Buterin on Singularity 1 on 1: Ethereum is a Decentralized Consensus Platform

Singularity.FM  show

Summary: Digital  crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin are the singularity of money and, after spending some time educating myself, I have turned from a skeptic into a fan. If you are not familiar with the topic then I suggest that you start with my interview with Andreas Antonopoulos. In that conversation we lay down the basics and discuss why "Bitcoin is not currency; it’s the internet of money!" If you are already intellectually comfortable with Bitcoin, then it is time to talk about Bitcoin 2.0 and the best candidate so far is Ethereum. Ethereum is the brain-child of Vitalik Buterin who wrote most of the original code and had such a compelling vision that he managed to attract a large team of coders, cryptography experts, investors and supporters - all with the goal of making it a reality. And so I was extremely happy to interview Buterin for my Singularity 1 on 1 podcast. During our 70 min conversation with Vitalik we cover a variety of topics such as: what is Ethereum and how is it different from Bitcoin; Vitalik's motivation and biggest dream; why and how Ethereum was designed to be Turing complete; the differences between Ethereum and Ether; the idea of creating a decentralized app ecosystem; egalitarianism and the Gini index; the size and security of the Ethereum database; the excange rate and sale of Ether coins... I owe a special debt of gratitude to Jan Miranda and Tamara Haasen without whom this interview would not have happened! (If you want to help me produce more high-quality episodes like this one you can send bitcoin 1gnjsmU3TzWF1LXNFrm3egYYuh3ZJrJ7F or old-fashioned money!)   Who is Vitalik Buterin? Vitalik Buterin is the Founder of Ethereum and Chief Technical mentor at Decentral. He is a programer, head writer and co-founder of Bitcoin Magazine, and is involved with the development of KryptoKit, Darkwallet and Egora. Buterin is a 2014 Thiel Fellowship recipient known worldwide as a visionary in the cryptocurrency space. Vitalik travels the world lecturing about decentralized trust networks and Ethereum.   What is Ethereum? Ethereum is a platform that makes it possible for any developer to write and distribute next-generation decentralized applications. Borrowing the concept of distributed consensus and cryptographic proof that makes crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin so effective in trustless payments, Ethereum extends the use of these technologies to trustless agreements. This allows developers to easily build innovative new products on a censorship and collusion-resistant foundation. See this 10 min video of Stephan Tual - Ethereum CCO, for a short explanation of the platform and its main applications:   Related articles Andreas Antonopoulos on Singularity 1 on 1: “Bitcoin is not currency; it’s the internet of money!”