Has Senator Mike Lee Abandoned Free Market Principles? (PODBEAN)

The Freedom Report show

Summary: <br> Senators Mike Lee (R-UT) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) are teaming up with Diane Feinstein (D-CA) to co-sponsor a bill that would institute a federal ban on online gambling. In a move that is widely hailed as a giveaway to casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, Lee has come out with a statement against online gambling that sounds like something cooked up in a libertarian's feverish nightmares.<br> Lee claims that the federal government should ban online gambling due to the risk that it could be used to finance terrorism, or that children could access it and because it's difficult to regulate. Lee also sheds crocodile tears over the fear that online gambling could "exploit" people with gambling addiction. Oh really, Senator? <br> This episode of the Freedom Report takes aim at cronyism in the GOP, and whether Senator Mike Lee, tea party champion has abandoned his free market principles in order to get a big payout from casino tycoon Adelson. Will supporting this bill and getting in bed with Lindsey Graham doom Senator Lee's future grassroots support? <br> All that and more on the Freedom Report podcast! <br>