DDOCast 337 - PUGS #1: Finding a Group

DDOcast show

Summary: Patrick, Jerry, and Steiner-Davion kick off a 3 part series on PUGs by discussing how to find a group. We also cover the latest news on update 22! Have a funny or iconic story about PUGs? Send us an email to ddocast@gmail.com to share it and you could win a code for a Starter Pack! Check out www.ddocast.com for mp3 audio, our show calendar, swag, archives, and more! Want to support the show? You can feed the kobolds (give money) on our website www.ddocast.com or you can send in game items to the character ''ddocastone'' on any server! We use such things to support the show and give out prizes. News - 5:31 PUGs #1: Finding a Group - 51:28 Lightning Post - 1:43:56 Closing - 1:47:36 DDO Chronicle 93 - https://www.ddo.com/en/news/ddo-chronicle-issue-93 DDO Chronicle 94 - https://www.ddo.com/en/news/ddo-chronicle-issue-94 DDO Twitch: Desert on Thelanis - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEDgKNTVSWg&list=UUD6EDZQofNgyIkdhLPvuXbw Update 22 loot - http://ddowiki.com/page/Update_22_named_items DDOGamer: Forum Moderation - http://www.gamergeoff.com/we-are-all-the-troll-a-new-model-for-moderation/