School Dress Codes, the First "Portable" Computers, and We Remember Shirley Temple

The Baby Boomer Radio, TV, Movies, Magazines, Music, Comics, Fads, Toys, Fun, and More Show! show

Summary: Welcome to another episode of Galaxy Moonbeam Night Site! On this program, Mike, George, and Smitty recall the days of dress codes. The time when we had strict dress codes in school. If you didn't conform to the dress codes, you were subject to punishment, either at school or at home! Shirts, hats, pants, and belts had to be just right. People would dress up for things that we consider routine today, such as going out to dinner, grocery shopping, attending sporting events, and traveling. We also look back at our first computers. Remember the early computers that weighed forty pounds, and looked like suitcases? Such brands as Tandy, Timex, and Osborne, large floppy disks, and acoustical modems that were very slow compared to today's technology, but seemed magically fast at that time period. It was the beginning of a technological revolution that many of us were a part of. Finally, we remember Shirley Temple, who passed away early in 2014. Her film career, and her later career in public service are recalled. She was beloved by generations as they watched the cute little girl with curls singing and dancing on screen. Join us as we say farewell to the Good Ship Lollipop. Our Retro-Commercials are for Keds sneakers, voiced by Ozzie and Harriet Nelson, and for Tandy Computers voiced by Bill Bixby. We'll be waiting for you here, on Galaxy Moonbeam Night Site!