WTC 612 – Destiny

Ion Cannon | Star Wars Entertainment Reviews show

Summary: Welcome to We Talk Clones, your podcast for Star Wars, The Clones Wars Season 6 - The Lost Missions.  Join your hosts Stephen, Tom, and William along with their guests for this episode Riley and Bethany from Star Wars Report as they discuss the Season Six Episode 12, "Destiny." The We Talk Clones podcast can be found in  your favorite podcast subscription app under under Solo Sound >> We Talk Clones. If you like what you hear, please leave a review on the iTunes Music Store. Any reviews we receive will help the show grow within the Star Wars community. If you would like to drop us an email with your questions, comments, rants or raves, you can do so at We can also be found on Facebook and Twitter. Thank you for listening and until next time – May the Force Be With You. Subscribe: We Talk Clones