Kenneth Grant, Austin Osman Spare, and H.P. Lovecraft (re-broadcast)

The Hermetic Hour show

Summary: On Thursday at 8:00 p.m. the Hermetic Hour, hosted by Poke Runyon, will present a discussion on "The Dark Side" of Hermetic magick. We will explore the works of the 20th century's most erudite and accomplished diabolist, Kenneth Grant and his "Typhonian Gnosis", tracing his sources through Crowley, the occult artist Austin Osman Spare, and back to the fin d' secle decadents of the late 19th century. We will touch on Grant's adoption of the "Cthulhu Mythos" of fantasy writer H. P. Lovecraft and his fictional "Necronomicon." We will read deliciously evil snippets from Grant's books, and our own lovingly crafted satire "Beyond the Nostrils of Nuit" from the forthcoming Seventh Ray. This really ought to be our Halloween show. Tune in and we'll descend into the Tunnels of Set.