HuzzahCon 2014 – Wargaming Recon #112

Podcasts – Wargaming Recon show

Summary: HuzzahCon 2014 Special guest Dean Emmerson is a member of the Maine Historical Wargamers Association, which organizes HuzzahCon in Portland, Maine. He joins the episode to share why you need to attend HuzzahCon 2014. Some of the highlights are shared. Dean and Jonathan discuss great places to eat in Portland, Maine. The duo express their love for the Boston Trained Bands gaming club along with the many individuals and companies that make Huzzah a success. Wargaming Recon previously covered HuzzahCon in: Ep 54: Huzzah Con Prep Ep 56: Huzzah Con After Action Report HUZZAH 2012 Want to stay current with Huzzah? Official website Facebook page Facebook discussion group Don’t forget to peruse Dean’s online book and toy store: BrigadiersBookshelf Mailbag Listener Adam blogged about Raid on Pitt’s Landing Guest Peter “Blix” Bryant promoted Wargaming Recon on episode 11 of his show Mythwits (Adults only) Do You Like Wargaming Recon? If you like what you hear and you use iTunes to get our content we ask a favor of you. Please consider rating us on iTunes. As of early 2014 we have no iTunes ratings. iTunes is one of the most popular ways for listeners to find podcasts. Why not help a potential new listener find a show you enjoy? Rate us on iTunes Some Reminders: Read the Episode Guide for sneak peeks at future episodes. Some mobile listeners have problems hearing the show with Apple’s Podcasts App. We suggest using a different app like Pocket Casts ($1.99 for iOS, Lite version is FREE). Subscribe to us on iTunes Troll in the Corner Podcast Network Wargaming Recon belongs to the Troll in the Corner Podcast Network (TCPN). You may like some of the other shows on the network. Indie Talks – bi-monthly on Wednesdays covering independent games, film, television. Includes many interviews. Hosted by Trollitc owner Ben Gerber. Monsters of the Shattered World – monthly on the last Saturday. Story of a young scholar encountering strange animals on another world. Promos for the TCPN podcasts appear at the end of the show. Many thanks to Jeremy Kostiew, Troll ITC’s logo designer, for the amazing logos. Check out his portfolio at Proudly Sponsors Wargaming Recon Need gaming supplies? Please consider our sponsor, BlueHost Affiliate Signup I want to send out a special word of thanks to the folks behind the following domains that were used to create a new hosting account with BlueHost with my Blue Host affiliate link recently. As you know, I earn a commission each time someone clicks through my link to sign up with Blue Host. So thank you! Accounts that were created recently: – Why not get incredible web hosting for your blog, podcast, or website? Signup with BlueHost Note: The fact that I have linked to these accounts is only to acknowledge that these folks have used my affiliate link to create a hosting account with BlueHost. These links are not an endorsement of any content that may be posted to these sites. If you ever recognize content blatantly offensive at any of these links, please let me know and I will be sure to evaluate and consider if the link should be removed from this post. These accounts are all brand new and may not be active yet. Also, it is possible that some of these domains were previously owned and my not have been transferred to BlueHost just yet. Penny for Your Thoughts We hope you enjoy this episode of Wargaming Recon and welcome your feedback. Send it all to: (Audio files welcome) Leave Voicemail: (347) 470-4263 Subscribe on iTunes Find us on Facebook Twitter Stitcher Radio Send a Voicemail (free, you only need a microphone and computer). Our Theme Song Our intro song is “Downtown” by Matthew Ebel. Please give his other music a listen at This recording is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 license. The p[...]