Steptoe Cyberlaw Podcast - Interview with Elana Broitman and Shawn Cooley

The Cyberlaw Podcast show

Summary: In our seventeenth episode of the Steptoe Cyberlaw Podcast, Stewart Baker, Stephen Heifetz, Stephanie Roy, Michael Vatis, and Jason Weinstein discuss this week in NSA: No new scandal stories but the principal new release came from the US government and consisted of a FISA court ruling that took apart the only decision declaring NSA's section 215 metadata program illegal - Judge Leon's opinion in Klayman; the top story this week is the claim that the FCC is gutting net neutrality; the New York Times' story suggesting that the FBI may have used Anonymous to help compromise foreign nations' networks; the cell phone warrant case; the Aereo case; Magistrate Facciola's approach to warrants, and DOJ's method to appeal his latest ruling; and DHS' announcement that it has notified all critical infrastructure companies that they are considered critical. In our second half, we have an interview with two government CFIUS experts, Elana Broitman, a deputy assistant secretary at DOD and Shawn Cooley, who manages DHS's participation in CFIUS as well as Team Telecom.