Short Time: 11-year old Joey Butler, founder of Wrestle in My Shoes – Episode 58

Short Time Wrestling Podcast | | Network show

Summary: When Joey Butler was 10, he went to his father Joe after a wrestling tournament and asked why some kids were using the same pairs of wrestling shoes. The elder Butler explained to his son about how some kids weren't as fortunate with money to afford a pair of wrestling shoes to compete with. So Joey had an idea, donate his used wrestling shoes to kids who needed them. What started with just a few local clubs has gone national ... and even international. Wrestle In My Shoes has the support of several high profile wrestlers around the country. Short Time talks with both Joe and Joey Butler about how the program started, how many shoes the non-profit distributed the first year and the mission and goal behind starting such an adventure. You can find out more information on Wrestle in My Shoes by going to: @wrestleinmyshoe It's all in Episode 58 of the Short Time Wrestling Podcast. The Short Time Wrestling Podcast is presented by FlipsWrestling.