The Purpose of Your Anxiety – The Reason You Cannot Allow Love!

EFT Radio  show

Summary: You are anxious for a reason.  You repel love because you perceive you have no choice. Either you are biochemically imbalanced and your body continues to fire off the cue to go into stress mode or you perceive you are at risk and collapse into the emotional angst of your inner child or soul. Each is a reaction to you biggest fear – the fear that that you will not be able to cope! So you use your anxiety to ward off that fear; protect yourself with your unworthiness and shame, or avoid the risk of love! In this month’s broadcasts Cathryn continues her Free, on-line class entitled, The 2014 Conscious Living Series. This year is dedicated to helping you find the peace and happiness you deserve and establishing the sense of calm that gives you strength! The vibrational glitch that carries your pain is repairable. Today’s broadcast takes you the next step.  Cathryn provides you with the bridge needed so you can respond with compassion and love. You can heal?! You can experience success and joy! Tune in to today to hear how! Take advantage of Cathryn’s offer of a FREE 15-minute Assessment!  Call today – 612.710.7720!