2011 Lupus Awareness Month with Joy Keys

Saturday Mornings with Joy Keys show

Summary: Special Guest; Annette Myarick is the Chief Executive Officer for the Lupus Foundation of America’s (LFA) Philadelphia Tri-State Chapter. Annette has a Bachelor’s degree in Community Health Education from Temple University.  Special Guest:  Dawn Isherwood is a Health Educator for the Lupus Foundation of America. Dawn has a BS in Nursing from Pittsburg State University, Kansas and a MS in International Relations from Troy University, Alabama. Dawn started her nursing career in the Cardiothoracic Surgery ICU at the University of Kansas Medical Center before entering the US Air Force Nurse Corp. Special Guest: Lupus advocate. Leyla Moreno, supervisor, community relations, Health Partners, is a bilingual (Spanish and English) community outreach professional. .Leyla is a native of Panama. Leyla was recognized in 2008 and 2009 by Impacto Latin Newspaper and the Philadelphia Multicultural Congress as one of the ten Most Influential Latino Leaders under 40.