Jacki Zehner

Sandi Klein's Conversations with Creative Women show

Summary: <div> <img src="http://the51percent.podbean.com/mf/web/2rnatb/JZehner.jpg" style="width: 150px;" alt="JZehner.jpg"><font size="3"><strong>Jacki <span class="il">Zehner</span></strong> is a woman on a mission. The founder of The Jacquelyn and Gregory <span class="il">Zehner</span> Foundation, she funds and works with a whole host of organizations that focus on women's rights.<font size="3"> </font>In 2012, she became CEO of Women Moving Millions.<font size="3"> </font>The goal of this <br> non-profit is to mobilize resources for the advancement of women and <br> girls - so far, more than 200 people have given gifts of a million <br> dollars or more.</font><br> </div>