What a Professional Caveman Can Teach You About Living A Good Life

Good Life Project show

Summary: <a href="http://www.goodlifeproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Durant-author-photo-cropped-907x1024.jpg"></a><a href="http://huntergatherer.com/" target="_blank">John Durant </a>wants to destroy the diet book industry... Not just because he found new levels of vitality without it, but because he believes human history can illuminate almost all that ails us. And there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution for anyone. A proponent of what he calls the "paleo lifestyle," he lives like a caveman in Manhattan. Okay, so he actually lives in an apartment, not a cave. But everything from how how moves and fuels his body to how he lives his life is built around the ability to bring things back to the basics. Question, of course, is why? Durant was working a full-time desk job and wasn't taking care of himself. Booze, bytes, processed foods and a sedentary lifestyle were taking a huge toll. Drawing on his background studying evolutionary psychology at Harvard, he started experimenting with stripping life back to it's ancestral essentials. It was a pivotal moment, leading to profound change in his body, health and life. He has since become a thought leader on the subject of ancestral health and the founder of Paleo NYC and Barefoot Runners NYC. Durant's book, <a href="http://huntergatherer.com/books/the-paleo-manifesto/" target="_blank">The Paleo Manifesto</a>, offers a roadmap for what he terms an "evolutionary approach to health." It has been praised for the way it weaves history, philosophy, and science to unlock the importance of practices like barefoot running, an emphasis on gut health, and reducing inflammation. In this week's episode we go deep into the impact your habitat, food, activity, job and relationships can have on every part of your life. We talk about whether the whole "paleo" movement is just the latest fad and what's behind it. We even get into a surprising, yet fascinating conversation about how the critters living in your gut can hijack your brain and make you behave in ways you never imagined possible. Thanks for tuning in and feel free to subscribe to our newsletter (below) for updates on Good Life Project. With Gratitude, JF