109: Listener’s Round Table Edition 12 (Part 2)

The Carbohydrates Can Kill Podcast Feed show

Summary: Mr. Beauchamp and Eric Westman, M.D return here as my featured guests for today’s Carbohydrates Can Kill Podcast Show. During the first half of our Listener’s Roundtable Discussion last week, we discussed about the issues involving diabetes mellitus and carbohydrate restricted diet. I expect that Mr. Beauchamp is going to bring up more questions about diabetes mellitus and carbohydrate restricted diet. As I mentioned last week, the topics of this 12th Listener’s Roundtable Discussion are very informative to most, if not all, of us. I believe that you want to learn more about what Mr. Beauchamp’s questions and Dr. Westman’s answers. Let us go ahead to tune in and start the show!   About Eric Westman, M.D., MHS. http://www.dukehealth.org/physicians/eric_c_westman   Order my book: Carbohydrates Can Kill. Want to support my campaign? Please click the “Donate” button in the right-hand column of this page. Contact Me