The Conservative Refuge

The Red Maryland Network show

Summary: Some thoughts on the weekend's MDGOP convention. (If you missed the live broadcast you can listen to it here); Former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, having failed to change the constitution while on the Supreme Court, wants a series of constitutional amendments passed. The next Maryland Attorney General will have to deal with issues of the rule of law, crime, corruption and federalism, so what are the Democratic AG candidates talking about? .... their environmental records! A follow up to our discussion last week about our cultural obsession with pets. Having solved all of our human based problems, I share some new Maryland laws designed to protect your fur babies. And, in yet another sign of the impending apocalypse, our society has descended to the point where the President of the United States feels comfortable wearing flip-flops in public. I will invite him and the rest of you public flip-flop wearers to Get Off My Lawn!