Last exit to Ponyville DVD commentary! Equestria girls

This Week In Geek show

Summary: GREETINGS EVERY PONY! ARE YOU EXCITED?!?! Cause I'm excited! In today's special content we have a DVD commentary on Equestira girls from the good folks of TWiG and a few special guests we brought in from CANterlot's panel on Equestria girls. If you came here looking for something deep and metaphysical then BOY, did you come to the wrong neighborhood! What you get is 2 bronies and 2 pega-sisters going down a rabbit hole of MST3K proportions It's weird, amusing and for you! Now gather up some cupcakes and sit your butt down and listen to the Last exit to Ponyville's FIRST DVD commentary! More to come if there isn't a total train wreck! A tremendous thanks to EQ for helping us out and watch their website and ours for new call in topics Make sure you Interact with the show via: Email: Voicemail: 817 717 7202 Our community update partners and contributors Music supplied by DJ Aexls- Subscribe to him! TWIG would like to thank our Sponsors this season for their services StarFleet-Star Trek Fan club Subscribe to us using iTunes or Use any other podcatching client by using or Last exit to Ponyville DVD commentary! Equestria girls