Episode 224 – Finally Dun

Twisted Nether Blogcast show

Summary: This week we welcome Dunlock from the Area of Effect and Commanding Shout podcasts. Also, our 6 year Anniversary is coming SOON! Please get us in your emails and voicemails ASAP so we can include them in our Anniversary show in a couple weeks. Thanks again for all of your support over the years! Twisted News Siege of Orgrimmar Changes in Patch 6.0 and Warlords of Draenor LINK WoW to 7.6 Million Subs LINK Azeroth Choppers LINK Blizzard releases The Lost Vikings, Rock ‘n Roll Racing and Blackthorne for free. LINK Blizzcon Ticketing per Fimlys Eventbrite is crap. His past and current experience. Noblegarden 2014/04/21 – 2014/04/28 LINK Coming Soon… Next show is Episode 225 with a special guest if we can get someone confirmed. Visit us on the blog for further updates or on Twitter @TwistedNether. To be included in our episodes send TNB your MP3′s (info@twistednether.net) or call into our hotline at 407-705-3161. We look forward to hearing from our fans. (Opening song “Monster Techno Blues” is preformed Joe Sibol, provided by podssafeaudio.com)