Don't Let It Go Unheard: How Do You Make Lemonade?

Don't Let It Go show

Summary: Weekly live webcast/podcast devoted to discussion of news and politics from the perspective of Ayn Rand's philosophy, Objectivism. Hosted by Amy Peikoff. The originator of the proverb, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade," did not have in mind the sort of "lemons" we are being handed today: foreign and domestic policies that are, without exaggeration, anti-life. What are you doing--or what do you plan to start doing--to make lemonade out of this rotten fruit while working to save the country? We'll start in the first hour by discussing some of this week's lemons, while devoting the second hour to the making of lemonade. Be prepared to call in with your lemonade recipes (or to share them here in chat)! Go to for links to all the stories, etc., we plan to discuss today.