Denise Minger: Death by food pyramid (& how to eat a science-based diet)

Advice Goddess Radio: Amy Alkon show

Summary: Amy Alkon's Advice Goddess Radio: "Nerd Your Way To A Better Life!" with the best brains in science. How did so many of us get so fat and unhealthy? Well, it started when our government advised us to eat a high-carb, low-fat diet -- a diet that actually makes us fat and unhealthy. News reports distorting scientific findings and reporters unable to tell solid science from the shoddy kind are another problem — leaving most of us pretty confused about what we should be eating. Tonight, Denise Minger (of “The China Study” debunking fame) changes that. She will lay out the disturbing history of the ruining of America’s health. She’ll explain simple ways the ordinary person can identify scientific distortions in the media. And she’ll detail the nuances of science-based healthy eating (whether you’re a vegetarian or a carnivore or something in between). Minger’s meticulous (and very readable) book we’ll be discussing is Death By Food Pyramid: How Shoddy Science, Sketchy Politics and Shady Special Interests Have Ruined Our Health. Join me and all my fascinating guests every Sunday, 7-8 p.m. PT, 10-11 p.m. ET, at or subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher. My show's sponsor is Get a free audiobook download and support this show financially at no cost to you by signing up for a free 30-day trial at (It's $14.95 after 30 days, but you can cancel before then and have it cost you nothing.) Preorder my upcoming book, the science-based and funny "Good Manners For Nice People Who Sometimes Say F*ck," here. (St. Martin's Press, June 3, 2014.) Preorders give the book "heat," and are much-appreciated.