100 MPH to no where: Pay attention to the SIGNS before it's too late!

Life Coach Chat Channel show

Summary: Why is it that we feel it's necessary to be caught up in the rat race of life, going 100 MPH is a 65 MPH zone only to find that we've not gotten far at all. We are mentally, physically, and phychologically spent and don't know how to stop ourselves from getting to our individual breaking points. During this broadcast, we will discuss how to relieve ourselves from the stress and strain of success by coming up with a more effective definition of success for ourselves. Life & Career Transitions Coach Tamarra Causley Robinson is a game-changer. She specializes in coaching professionals who are grappling with planned and unplanned changes in life and career. She helps them work through fear, anxiety, and stress that change  creates to a safe place of forward motion, confidence and power. She coaches clients to adopt new, bold and courageous ways of living their lives unapologetically!  For more on Tamarra, visit www.dare2doitnow.com. Lisbeth is passionate about helping women be intentional about life. She is a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, a registered nurse, yoga teacher, mom, wife, and lover of life with purpose. Lisbeth helps women whose to-do list is so long that they have forgotten how to live a balanced life on purpose. She is available for one on one coaching and offers fun and interactive workshops that help get the mind, body, and spirit back into balance. Check her out at: www.wholelifehealth.biz