Sinica - Leftover women, misogynistic trolls and post grad study in China

Popup Chinese show

Summary: This week on Sinica, Kaiser and Jeremy are joined once again by Leta Hong Fincher, newly-minted Ph.D. and author of Leftover Women, a book which gazes into the state of women's rights in China, and documents the way state-sanctioned propaganda, family-driven social pressures and legal customs in things like the housing market all effectively conspire to roll back much of the progress on gender equality China has made over the last twenty years. So we talk about that, and then about misogynistic Internet trolls, and what it's like to do a doctorate at Tsinghua University. Have thoughts? Once you've done listening, please feel welcome to share your thoughts in the comments section, or by writing us at Also remember, you can subscribe to the Sinica show through RSS by opening up iTunes, clicking on the "Advanced" menu and selecting the option "Subscribe to Podcast". Copy the URL into the box when prompted. Or download this show directly from our site as a standalone mp3 file.