Chasing Lions, Pastor Jonathon O'Reilly, April 6, 2014

The Rock of KC show

Summary: - 1 Sam. 23:20-21 - we serve a God who wants to do the impossible through us 1. sometimes we end up in a pit (of fear, insecurity, shame) - if you get comfortable in the pit, you might not want to get out - you can't let the pit keep you from moving forward 2. sometimes it snows - God isn't moved by the snow - John 16:33 - on the snowy days, we find out what we're made of 3. sometimes we run into lions - how do we respond - the same thing with sin - we need to stop and run to Jesus - purpose is what gives us breath and motivation - Matt 16:18 - sometimes God's opportunities come disguised as insurmountable obstacles - Romans 8 - if God is for us, who can stand against us? - Isa. 40:28-31