Episode 148: H.3 - Zanatari Mnemonic - The Kalashtar (Part 1)

Death D4 Dishonor show

Summary: Zanatari and Sezzur reach the homeland of the Kalashtar at last. Before the two road weary travelers can enter the canyon, they must first deal with two interesting Kalashtar. A special thanks goes out to Ubisoft's Simon Davis (Design Manager: Ghost Recon Phantoms) and Harry Kashouli (QA Lead: Just Dance) for playing NPC characters in tonight's episode! DM Note: Due to Sezzur being on vacation in real-life, the story that was shaping up in episode 147 was placed on hold in order to accommodate our special guests. I'll probably be returning to the story within the next couple of weeks. E-mail (Host): jeneseegrey@yahoo.com // (DM) Tinzien (at) deathd4dishonor (dot) com Twitter: @deathd4 Web: www.deathd4dishonor.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deathd4dishonor