The 419 Indie Musical Celebration--Ms. Computer Lady Style 4/19

The Ms. Computer Lady Show--WMCL Internet Radio show

Summary: Unwind for a bit.  Let the music take over.  This day before Easter, let the Ms. Computer Lady Show bring the celebration of the date of 4/19/2014 in style. Hear music from some of the best indie artists from the Toledo, OH area.  Music from the 419 will be showcased. Hear indie music from those who are here in Toledo, OH (or have lived in Toledo, OH), from gospel, to hip hop, to R & B.  Those that were interviewed on the Ms. Computer Lady Show include The Difference, Leigh Ashley , Tracey TheRareBreed Hayes, Prophet The Heart of Toledo, Jason Carter, Melody O Gospelmusic , Jay Rush, Tymara Walker , and  Darius Coleman .