JDB 052: Is Content Marketing Right for Every Lawyer?

JDBlogger  |  Legal Marketing  |  Blogging  |  Podcasting  | Social Media for Lawyers and Attorney Entrepreneurs - John Skiba show

Summary: This past week I had the opportunity to speak on content marketing and social media as a way to help bankruptcy lawyers grow their law practice.  It was a great opportunity to meet some great people and to hear what challenges people were facing in marketing their law practice.  I had a few surprises, including how many attorneys attending the conference didn't even have a website let alone a blog and further how many people were outright hostile to getting involved in social media as a way of building their law firm. While I believe that every law practice will benefit from content marketing and social media interaction clearly not everyone attorney is willing or even interested in getting on board.  And while I think every attorney should do what they are comfortable with I believe that attorneys are ignoring this to their own peril.  The world is operating online and if you choose to ignore that you are choosing to ignore a huge segment of your community that could be paying clients. In today's episode I speak on three takeaways that I learned from the NACBA conference and why they are relevant to your law practice. Tool of the Trade This week's Tool of the Trade is nRelate.  nRelate is a great tool for bloggers that automatically populates the bottom of each of your blog posts with other articles that relevant to the topics that your potential clients are looking for - and not only that but it pulls in a thumbnail of the photo you have on each blog post.  Great tool for reducing your website's bounce rate and keeping visitors handing around your website and reading multiple articles.