Encore Episode: ‘7 Steps To A Transformed Mind’ [Podcast]

The Strategic Living Podcast with Brian Holmes show

Summary: This is an ENCORE EPISODE of the Strategic Living Podcast. On this episode, we will be talking about ‘Challenging The Status Quo: 7 Steps To A Transformed Mind’. Someone once said, "people act in accordance with the 'truth' as they believe it to be". You see, the beliefs that you hold to be true in your life literally govern the direction, the choices, the decisions, and the outcomes in your life. Whether you are successful or whether you fail depends entirely on your core, heart-level beliefs. The mind is a very powerful force. It receives information in the conscious mind, but then compares the 'new' with what is already on the hard drive of the heart. Your experiences, your relationships, your hurts, you perceptions; they all contribute to the formation of your beliefs. How does one go about identifying limiting beliefs? How do we challenge, unseat, and even replace those beliefs with truth and life-giving faith? That is what we will explore in this episode.