Rev VR Podcast - Episode 58

Rev VR Podcast show

Summary: All of my 90s cyberpunk dreams come to life in a virtual reality masterpiece called Technolust. The Kickstarter is live, and the developer, Blair Renauld explains his inspiration and goals for the game in this episode of the Rev VR Podcast. There have been several times in my life when I have said, "I would totally pay to see that happen." Usually, this is in reference to some ridiculous scenario that has no possiblity of becoming a reality. This time, it is different. Technolust brings together every hacker trope I can think of. Playing the demo gives me the ability to become that stereotypical hacker protagonist that I have been cheering for since I was a young boy. Blair and I have a great discussion about how to define this new genre of VR games. "Experiential Games" is the term we coined to describe this narrative, first person, exploratory gaming experience. I think the gaming community is ready for a new genre that isn't just a series of cookie cutter remakes and tired overused plotlines. The Kickstarter campaign for Technolust is looking for $30K and has already listed several reasonable stretch goals. It's still early, but I am looking forward to seeing this project backed, and the VR community enjoying this amazing game with me.