The Authors' Words with JD Holiday: Author S.L. Smith

Red River Radio show

Summary: The Authors' Words on Red River Radio with JD Holiday: author S.L. Smith about her mysteries, Blinded by the Sight & Running Scared.  S.L. Smith has a bachelor’s degree in psychology, and a doctorate in public administration. Blinded by the Sight was published in 2011 and Running Scared in 2013. Blinded by the Sight~ Police investigators Pete Culnane and Martin Tierney are as different as parchment and newsprint, and Martin’s insecurities are fed by Pete’s expertise and finesse. A homeless man wearing an eye-popping diamond ring is as inexplicable to both of them as the disappearance of the two boys who reported his body on St. Paul’s Upper Landing. Good intentions can go awry, resulting in unintended, life-altering predicaments. Running Scared~ The Second Pete Culnane Mystery~ Nick Rice knows someone is after him. This morning, during his daily run, he concocts a sure-fire solution. For the first time in weeks, he relaxes. St. Paul investigators Pete Culnane and Martin Tierney are together again. They must determine if a horrific crash on Wheelock Parkway was accidental or deliberate. Step-by-step they uncovers secrets that leave more than one person running scared. Buy Blinded by the Sight: Buy Running Scared: Find S.L.Smith at: JD and Show's sites: &