The Potrepreneurship Roundtable

This Week in Startups - Video show

Summary: Marijuana is now legal for medical uses in 20 U.S. states, and for recreation in Washington and Colorado. What was once an industry of stoners, dealers and drug cartels has become increasingly polished and professional. With that, a batch of startups and investors who want to seize on the opportunity, looking to a time in the not-too-distant future when getting high could be legal throughout the U.S. In this special edition of This Week in Startups, Jason talks to potrepreneur AJ Gentile, who runs LA's SpeedWeed, a medical marijuana delivery service, which might one day be Uber for weed. And, Troy Dayton of the ArcView group, which hosts angel forums and pitch competitions for cannabis-related business. It's not just pot shops, people, we're talking vaporizers, testing equipment, infrastructure and farming technology.