SPP 102 – Realities of Being a Full-Time Writer and Fiction Unboxed Rewards

The Story Studio Podcast - Writing, Storytelling, and Marketing Advice for Writers & Business show

Summary: This might have been our least-organized show ever, but it's only because we're working so damn hard for you, folks! We started by talking about how nutso things have been lately, then segued neatly into a few voicemail questions. After this, we moved the part where we revealed the REWARD LEVELS for our upcoming Kickstarter project "Fiction Unboxed" -- which now has a fantastic new video! Watch it here, wherein we're going to write a book, live, in 30 days and let the world watch, launching April 22nd. And why do you care so much about the reward levels? BECAUSE IF YOU JOIN THE PROJECT ON THE FIRST DAY, YOU GET SHIT CHEAPER. That's how it works, yo. We talk through most of the levels in the podcast -- as well as the rationale behind all of them, so that you can learn from our experience if you decide to crowdfund a project yourself -- but here are a few of the most important ones: $49 is the "All Access Pass" level. We assume this is the no-brainer level for most of you. It's where you get access to everything that matters -- video/audio of our story and marketing meetings, access to the drafts (raw, edited, polished) as they're created, digital copies of the book we produce when it's done AND all of our transcripts, assembled into a SECOND book (a reference book that comprises a record of Fiction Unboxed), and so on. BUT IF YOU FUND THIS LEVEL ON DAY 1, IT'S ONLY $39. (Look for the level identical to the $49 level, except that it's only $39.) There's also a "no-brainer plus" level for $99 (with a bunch more stuff), but that one is only $89 for early joiners. If you want to be sure not to miss out on "early joiner" discounts and extra rewards, be sure to join the Fiction Unboxed mailing list here. You'll also see a "participation level" for a bit more, where you can vote on the book's story and direction, plus joining in live Q&A and more. We also mentioned the two highest-level rewards, because if you're thinking about picking them up early (they're limited), you'll want to think about it, ask your spouse, etc. They are: The $5000 level includes everything at the lower levels plus an in-person weekend story workshop in Austin, Texas with all three of us. The maximal $10,000 level includes the workshop and everything else… but also has us editing and polishing your manuscript, creating a custom marketing plan for you, and having you on the podcast to promote and tell your story. After all of this, we still had energy to talk about some reality-check stuff about being a full-time writer. However, I don't have time to write it out here, so you'll need to listen or read the transcript (which we'll have done in a few months… there's a bit of a lag here for "real-time" transcripts, sorry.) So yes, listen in or hang tight, because we talked about what it's REALLY like. (If you must READ this kind of stuff and don't want to wait for the transcript, it's a lot of harsh-reality stuff and downer things we're known for, and this post about self-publishing realities may suit you in the meantime. You can view the video version here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6isdADyj2v0 SHOW TRANSCRIPT Transcripts of The Self Publishing Podcast are provided by CaptionAccess. You can download the PDF version of this week's show here, or click the box below to read it in-line on this page.