SPP 106 – Deciding How to Spend Your Creative Energy

The Story Studio Podcast - Writing, Storytelling, and Marketing Advice for Writers & Business show

Summary: As a quick note, this is the LAST EPISODE to hit the audio feed before Fiction Unboxed ends. So if you want to get in, do it now (and man, the rewards keep stacking!) We talked a bit about lessons learned from our Kickstarter experience before delving into the topic. For one, our Thunderclap experiment seems to have been a huge bust. We had almost 1.1 million in social reach and over 500 joiners, but all we seem to have done was to flood the Twitter and Facebook feeds of people who already knew about the project. More analysis next week. We also talked a bit about "Kickstarter stigma," which we hadn't anticipated. It has made getting publicity for the project much harder than anticipated and a general mixed bag. We love the response of the SPP audience, but the larger world in general has seen KICKSTARTER first and BIG IDEA second. We'd hoped it would be the other way around, and that people would think, "Look at this CRAZY COOL IDEA they had… and oh, by the way, they're funding it via Kickstarter." The entire experience is also exhausting. More to come on this stuff a month or two down the road, after we can catch our breath. For today's main topic, we talked about how to choose your next project… where to put your creative energy. This stemmed from a discussion recently wherein Sean and I had to bump two big projects. Most recently, our project with the codename "Axis" had to be moved until July, and this made us both really sad… but it was necessary. We talk out the thought process and juggling multiple priorities. But it all works out, because we'll now be beginning my (Johnny's) first Guy Incognito project, written specifically for kids. It's called Connor Kwik, and we'd like it to be our Harry Potter. It's sort of like The Beam for kids. Stay tuned! View the video version here: SHOW TRANSCRIPT Transcripts of The Self Publishing Podcast are provided by CaptionAccess. You can download the PDF version of this week's show here, or click the box below to read it in-line on this page.