SR12 Apr 14: Calvary, Birdland, Jamaica Inn on TV

Saturday Review show

Summary: John Michael McDonagh's film Calvary, is about a priest who is told in confession that - in one week's time - he will be killed. Simon Stephens' newest work at London's Royal Court Theatre - Birdland - features Andrew Scott as a disintegrating rock star. The BBC's new adaptation of Jamaica Inn is a sumptuous brooding production starring Jessica Brown Findlay (Lady Sybil from Downton Abbey). Nigerian-born Teju Cole won widespread acclaim for his first published work Open City. His follow-up, Every Day is for the Thief, sees a young African American man returning to Nigeria and explores the cultural resonances and differences he experiences. The First Georgians exhibition at The Queen's Gallery Buckingham Palace, reflects the reigns of Kings George I and II (1714-1760) through a wide range of objects.