SR: Incognito; Touchy Feely; Penny Dreadful; Ned Beauman’s Glow; 17 May 14

Saturday Review show

Summary: When Albert Einstein died in 1955, the pathologist performing his autopsy stole the brain, hoping to find out truths about the nature of genius. A new play by Nick Payne uses it as a starting point for an exploration of how our mind makes us who we are. The film Touchy Feely is the story of a masseuse who develops a loathing for skin and a dentist who seems to have extraordinary unprecedented gift for healing. Ned Beauman’s latest novel - Glow - is about an imaginary brand new psychotropic drug flooding the streets of London. Penny Dreadful is a TV series that creates a gory fictionalised Victorian London where many famous figures congregate - Frankenstein, Jack The Ripper, Dorian Grey. Andreas Gursky is a German photographer whose work is characterised by large scale manipulated images.