SR: Tim Winton's Eyrie, Kenneth Clark at Tate Britain, Heli, 24 May 14

Saturday Review show

Summary: Tim Winton's new novel Eyrie tells the story of a man down on his luck, who tries to sew his life back together with the help of a former neighbour and her mysterious son. Fings Ain’t Wot They Used T' Be was the 1959 musical Lionel Bart wrote before his mega success with Oliver! Kenneth Clark was a man who made it his mission to bring art to the general public. A new exhibition at Tate Britain brings together hundreds of the works he collected or commissioned as well as showing excerpts from his seminal TV series Civilisation. Nick Frost plays a pretty hopeless chump called Jeremy Sloane in a new TV series for Sky. Mexican film Heli shows the tragic socially corrosive effect of drug culture on contemporary Mexican society through the involvement of one innocent family who are inadvertently drawn into crime and appalling violence.