Pet Food Alpha 211: Live From The Ed Mansion

Pet Food Beta show

Summary: This week we had a very unique oppurtunity for the show! The hosts were all in one place! Edwyth was kind enough to host us at his residence for what we've been jokingly calling "PFAcon Beta". Because of the casual atmosphere at Ed's we decided that we would take callers for this show and talk about peoples thoughts and experiences with the update. We realize the quality isn't as good as it should be, we ran into some technical difficulties since this was our first time ever having people call in for the show. If the idea of calling in to a live episode of PFA is something you'd like to see again, please drop us a comment and let us know what you think! We take your calls about the update from Ed's place! The Version Update Has Arrived! Celestial Nights 2010! Bonanza Numbers