RT 059 | Geoff Neupert Discusses Original Strength and Kettlebell Strong

Rdella Training : Bridging The Gaps In Strength Training, Peak Performance and Injury Prevention show

Summary: <a href="http://rdellatraining.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Episode-59.jpg"></a>I'm really excited to have Geoff Neupert on this week's show to discuss two big topics, Original Strength and the power of Double Kettlebell Complexes. Geoff is an incredibly smart guy and shares his knowledge with specific tips to help us improve our movement, mobility, and strength. I guarantee you will learn something new in this jammed packed podcast session. Make sure to listen through the entire episode to learn as much possible and take action after listening. Geoff is a Master SFG Kettlebell Instructor, Author, and CEO of Original Strength, LLC. He's been involved in the industry for 20 years in various roles and is considered one of the top kettlebell authorities in the world. Here's some of what you'll learn in this week's show: Why we all need Original Strength How 'poor movement' effects everything else How much time it takes to "reset" Learn about Original Strength Performance Do we still need "corrective exercise?" Kettlebell complexes, better for fat loss or muscle building? The "dirty little secret" about complexes that Geoff reveals What we miss with the "high rep" complex How to safely increase your heart rate, without doing "cardio" The big mistake with the double kettlebell complex The foundational exercise for the double complex (not what you think) Our "inverted-V" debate... The most time efficient kettlebell complex What is Kettlebell Strong? What is "technique stacking" The easiest way to learn the double kettlebell snatch And much more... If you enjoy this episode, please drop a quick review in iTunes or Stitcher. It’s REALLY easy to review the show and it helps greatly to build the podcast. <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/rdella-training-podcast-strength/id399483129?mt=2" target="_blank">Click here</a> to review and subscribe in iTunes. And, <a href="http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/rdella-training-no-bs-strength-conditioning-kettlebells">click here</a> to review and subscribe in Stitcher. As a reminder, a new episode is released every Wednesday with valuable training tips and amazing interviews. SHOW NOTES: To learn more about Original Strength, <a href="http://originalstrength.com" target="_blank">click here</a>. Be sure to grab the great book I've previously recommended, <a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1626974616?ie=UTF8&amp;camp=1789&amp;creativeASIN=1626974616&amp;linkCode=xm2&amp;tag=smart024-20" target="_blank">Original Strength</a>. <a href="http://rdellatraining.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/kb-strong-product.png"></a>Now, whether you're intermediate or advanced, I fully recommend Geoff's <a href="http://rdellatraining.com/strong" target="_blank">Kettlebell Strong DVD and manual</a>. I have it and it's awesome! Go to <a href="http://rdellatraining.com/strong" target="_blank">RdellaTraining.com/strong</a> to get your copy now. To get more from Geoff, check out <a href="http://kettlebellsecrets.com" target="_blank">KettlebellSecrets.com </a>or <a href="http://chasingstrength.com" target="_blank">ChasingStrength.com</a>. Hope you benefited from this interview and next week we'll dive into a different topic. I'll catch you then. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it. Scott Iardella writes about strength training methods to optimize health and performance. If you enjoyed this article, join his list by subscribing below.