SGJ Podcast #54: How to Lose a Fleet with John Hemry (Without Even Trying! ;)

Space Game Junkie Podcast show

Summary: Hey folks, welcome to this latest episode of the Space Game Junkie Podcast! Now, this week we did something a bit different. Rather than talk to a game developer, as is our usual, we brought on author <a href="">John Hemry</a>. Under the pen name Jack Campbell, he has written an entire series of books called the <a href="">Lost Fleet</a> series (the first being <a href="">Dauntless</a>), which in the beginning focuses on a fleet of starships trying to make it home along a long slog through enemy territory. Jim and I have both read these books (I more than him), and we were FASCINATED by the unique way space combat is handled in the series.<br> Basically, since light is a limitation/speed limit when in combat, the amount of time it takes light to travel affects everything you do, from when you see something to when you react to something. It’s really amazing stuff, so <a href="">Jim</a> and I were thrilled to talk to John about his military background and how that helped him come up with the concepts of movement and combat in the books. We had some technical difficulties, and I apologize for not talking much as I was fighting a cough the whole time, but thankfully Jim picked up the slack. We hope you enjoy it. :)<br> As always, we look forward to your comments below, and invite you to email us at <a href=""></a> if you have any further comments or suggestions for future shows. Thanks for listening!<br> P.S. Since the stream had some serious audio issues, I’ve decided not to include it here, but it’s on YouTube if you REALLY wanna check it out. ;)<br>