Peer Educators and Dual Disorders

One Hour AT A Time show

Summary: This program will focus on recovery from dual disorders. Our Guest will be Moe Armstrong, Moe has been mentally ill for thirty five years. He struggles with his own mental illness every day of his life. In 1984, Moe went back to college and earned two masters degrees. His dream was to work in the mental health system and create the opportunities that he received from mental health care for other people with mental illness. He was one of the first people with schizophrenia to work as mental health professional and has worked for over 12 yrs in mental health. He was presented in a special television show on ABC Nightline with Ted Koppel based on his present work with the Peer Educators Project. Appeared on the Larry King Live show as part of the discussion about mental health issues. He has appeared on Dan Rather's CBScevening news talking about mental health. He as appeared on two national ABC news broadcast talking about mental illness.