Is a Vacation to Hawaii really worth it?

Hawaii Vacation Connection show

Summary: While the that may be true, I'm gonna make the argument today why Hawaii overall as a destination is well worth it. I know there's been a lot of news lately about the price tag of a vacation here but when you think about all the benefits compared to other exotic destinations worldwide it's not as bad as it first may seem. Along with the perfect pristine weather and the variety of activities, festivals, events and international flavor there's no better place on earth for a true guaranteed perfect vacation. Also on today's show I cover some of the latest news and information about the tourism industry in Hawaii and get off on a tagent about macadamia nut pancakes and why they should be a must on your list of things to eat when you come to Hawaii. Did you know that we have a free trip to Hawaii contest running now? Yes, it's for real and you could be the winner. Just click here to find out all the details and of course good luck!