Podcast 1 – What’s going on in search with Jamie Marsden

Startup Chat show

Summary: <br> <br> <br> <br> This week I chat to SEO veteran <a href="https://twitter.com/#!/jamiemarsden" target="_blank">Jaime Marsden</a> about panda's, penguins and generally what's going on in search.<br> <br> <br> <br> or <a href="http://media.blubrry.com/webdomination/p/wpcurve.com/wp-content/uploads/Podcast/web_domination_podcast_2012_05_12.mp3" target="_blank">Download the file</a> or <a href="http://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/web-domination/id526349238" target="_blank">visit iTunes</a>.<br> <br> Mentions<br> <a href="http://passivepanda.com/seo-side-hustle" target="_blank">http://passivepanda.com/seo-side-hustle</a> - Great article on Jamie's background and great photo featuring said 3rd degree burns<br> <br> <a href="http://www.oyster.com/" target="_blank">http://www.oyster.com/</a><br> <br> <a href="http://www.quora.com/" target="_blank">http://www.quora.com/</a><br> <br> <a href="http://answers.yahoo.com/" target="_blank">http://answers.yahoo.com/</a><br> Tech tip<br> <a href="http://lucidchart.com" target="_blank">Lucid Chart</a><br> <br> Thanks to <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/antarcticabound/" target="_blank">AntarcticaBound</a> for the pic.<br> Full Transcription<br> Speaker 1: Can I put your photo on there, as well?  <br> <br> Speaker 2: I did something for Passive Panda.  He put some photo up of me.  I don't know where he got it from, but it looks like I got third-degree burns, so I'm like…  <br> <br> Speaker 1: All right, well, I'll make sure we do some airbrushing with this one then.  <br> <br> Male: Web domination is brought to you by My Startup informly. My app shows you a simple one-page live report on all of your important business information.  Talks to your favorite services, like analytics, [inaudible00:00:27] and more, and centralizes the important info on one page, accessible by mobile or the web. The basic plan is free.  Feel free to check out inform.ly/podcast for more info about the app or about the show.  <br> <br> Speaker 1: Hey guys, on this week's show, I'm checking up with SEO veteran Jamie Marsden for a great chat about the latest Google changes and where we are at with search. If you stick around to the end of the show, I'll let you know about a great free charting tool that I use every day.  Let's get stuck in.  <br> <br> Male: Web domination.<br> <br> Speaker 1: Today, we will be talking about what's going on in search, and joining me is 14-years SEO veteran Jamie Marsden. Welcome, Jamie, and congrats on being my first guest. <br> <br> Jamie : All right, then.  Thank you for having me.<br> <br> Speaker 1: Do you want to give us, I guess, with a lot of the changes that are going on in Google at the moment, the SEO community, and I think the business community in general are, they're sort of starting to tweet that this idea of creating really good content and earning links as opposed to building links really is the way to go. That's kind of where I want to focus on today.  Do you want to start with that and just a bit of background of what's going on in search?<br> <br> Jamie: Sure. I mean, basically, what's happened over the last, probably getting over for two years now is, effectively, Google have really upped the ante when it comes to search, and what they're trying to do  is remove what they call web spam, and they're trying to raise the actual quality of the results as such. One of the things that all business owners usually get wrong is that they they're Google's customer because they're the website, but really, how Google sees it is, the searcher is their customer, and everything is focused towards that searcher. So, basically…<br> <br> Speaker 1: When you say "web spam", can you give me a few examples of that?<br> <br> Jamie: Web spam would be something where, it's basically where someone's trying to manipulate the actual results.Instead of it actually just,