Podcast 17 – Inside a private mastermind (podcasting presentation)

Startup Chat show

Summary: This week one of my weekly mastermind groups asked me to run them through a few slides on podcasting. Tim Conley from the <a href="http://foolishadventure.com" target="_blank">Foolish Adventure</a> show runs the call so we both gave our thoughts on podcasting then had a good discussion with the group at the end. I hope you like it.<br> <br> <a href="http://www.tropicalmba.com/innercircle/" target="_blank"></a><br> <br> http://media.blubrry.com/webdomination/p/wpcurve.com/wp-content/uploads/Podcast/episode_17.mp3<br> <br> or <a href="http://media.blubrry.com/webdomination/p/wpcurve.com/wp-content/uploads/Podcast/episode_17.mp3" target="_blank">Download the file</a> or <a href="http://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/web-domination/id526349238" target="_blank">visit iTunes</a>.<br> Mentions<br> <br> <a href="http://www.dynamitecircle.com/" target="_blank">Dynamite Circle</a><br> iTunes review from Graham from <a href="http://www.weirderthebetter.com.au/" target="_blank">Weirder the better</a><br> Interview with <a href="http://inform.ly/podcast-15-measuring-what-matters-with-neil-patel-from-kiss-metrics/" target="_blank">Neil Patel</a><br> Interview with<a href="http://inform.ly/ep-9-become-a-content-king-with-james-schramko/" target="_blank"> James Schramko</a><br> Tim Conley from <a href="http://foolishadventure.com" target="_blank">Foolish Adventure</a><br> Andrew Warner from Mixergy<br> Dan and Ian from the lifestyle business podcast<br> Terry Lin's interview with Dan<br> <a href="http://www.summermarketingmashup.com/" target="_blank">Summer Marketing Mashup</a><br> Internet Business Mastery<br> Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income<br> <a href="http://inform.ly" target="_blank">Informly</a><br> Feedblitz<br> Feedburner<br> <br> Why podcast?<br> <br> Blogging is boring and it's hard to get noticed<br> Authority by association<br> If you love putting out content, podcasting is another way you can do it<br> Excellent for relationships and networks<br> Great content for social media<br> Improves confidence<br> Excellent for learning about your own business<br> Tim started because he had something to say and wanted a medium like podcasting to share<br> Buzzsprout<br> Blubrry media stats<br> <br> Stats<br> Dan's stats<br> <br> Average downloads around 1,000<br> Best 5,000+<br> Subscribers around 200<br> 10 iTunes reviews (5 stars)<br> Real relationships with people like Dan Andrews, Tim Conley, James Schramko<br> 2 invitation to present at a conference on podcasting 100+ visits to my site per episode.<br> Back links on tropicalmba.com, superfastbusiness.com, trafficgenerationcafe.com and more Interviewed on 2 other podcasts<br> Mentioned on Lifestyle Business Podcast, Tropical Talk Radio and James Schramko’s Facebook page (4,000 likes)<br> <br> Tim's stats<br> <br> Tends to drop over American summer except for this summer because of the <a href="http://www.summermarketingmashup.com/" target="_blank">Summer Marketing Mashup series</a><br> Been interviewed on other shows<br> People watching episodes 2+ years old, working backwards through the catalog.<br> <br> How to<br> <br> <a href="http://awebsitedesigner.com.au/content-marketing/how-to-launch-a-podcast-in-1-day/" target="_blank">How to start a podcast in 24 hours</a><br> Just start<br> Aim low - publish anything<br> Did some basic research (<a href="http://www.howtomakepodcastslikeapro.com/" target="_blank">Dan Lyons' book</a>)<br> Plantronics headset<br> Skype call recorder<br> Tim - Audio is the most important part of an audio podcast.<br> <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Blue-Microphones-Yeti-USB-Microphone/dp/B002VA464S" target="_blank">Blue Yetti Mic</a> (not Blue Yetti Pro)<br> Tim recommends <a href="http://www.adobe.com/au/products/audition.html" target="_blank">Adobe Audition</a><br>