SPP 100 – 100th Episode Spectacular and Kickstarter Reveal

The Story Studio Podcast - Writing, Storytelling, and Marketing Advice for Writers & Business show

Summary: This was the episode where we finally revealed that enticing, exciting, tantalizing upcoming Kickstarter project we've been telling you all about. Ready? Look away if you don't want spoilers. For our Kickstarter project, we're going to write a book, live, in 30 days, and let the world watch. On day 1, we'll have no idea of anything about the book: its title, its genre, any of the characters, anything in the plot, etc. On day 30, we'll have a finished book, in ebook, print, and hopefully even audio, ready for distribution. We're going to show you everything. We'll post each day's new words, post every stage of the ongoing edit, record our story meetings and show you those, share all of our emails about the project, and so on. YOU WILL SEE EXACTLY HOW WE MAKE A STORY FROM NOTHING. We're super excited about the idea. The actual Kickstarter campaign begins on April 22, and we'll reveal more in the coming weeks. But we need something from you first! See, we're going to give out a bonus to people who fund the campaign at a certain level (to be announced) on the first day. We'd like for that bonus to be some sort of video training: us showing you how to do something, step by step. We need your suggestions for what you'd like us to show you in that video training, so please contact us here and let us know! Be sure to sign up for the Kickstarter notification list now so that you won't miss the release… you ARE going to want to get that bonus, and it's only available on the first day! You can view the video version here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vj3nUCRKx1s SHOW TRANSCRIPT Transcripts of The Self Publishing Podcast are provided by CaptionAccess. You can download the PDF version of this week's show here, or click the box below to read it in-line on this page.