One of Swords Podcast 129: Falling Up Stairs

One Of Swords show

Summary: Right before we hit the road for San Diego, Hugh makes good on his promise to tell a juicy It Sucks To Be Hugh story -- and it's a good one, involving a lot of celebrities and a lot of embarrassment. Then Kat, Hugh and I talk about pachinko, Transformers: Fall of Cybertron's new ship date, The Walking Dead, GI Joe, Pitfall's return, journalism, Trent Reznor, dynamism, what passes for kitchen artwork in Hugh's house, a free MW3 map, Romanian vampires, COD in China, fast food promotions, V, Mac Ops, Cthulhu, easter egg hunts, leatherworking, and Dora the Explorer in Nicaragua. Get the podcast on iTunes Get the podcast on Zune Marketplace Get the podcast on your own with RSS Feedburner Or use the links below to listen in the browser or download direct. More info after the jump... Co-host: Katrin Auch, photographer, light gun enthusiast, bassist, Jedi Sage, Demon Hunter, and inventor of Headshotmas Co-host: Hugh Sterbakov, author, comic creator, and Emmy-nominated writer/toy wrangler for Robot Chicken Soundtrack: Yameen - available on iTunes, Amazon MP3, and finer online music stores Relevant show links: Meet Raul Menendez, Black Ops II's antagonist Trent Reznor talks theme song stuff to USA Today Pitfall coming to mobile Activision at SDCC 2012 The Walking Dead FPS game Ready Player One by Ernest Cline Kat and Hugh and Dan on Twitter Dan's book: Critical Path: How to Review Videogames for a Living Hugh's book: City Under the Moon Hugh’s Extra Life gaming marathon Kat's photography Facebook page needs some love Likes Enter your own question for Hugh Don't Know Jack/Stick It To The Dan Write to the show's Megamailbag