Guests-Rev. Edward Pinkney on Ballot Box Fraud; Jasir Adeyemi 4/1 @ 11am ET

Independent Underground Radio LIVE (IURL) show

Summary: Welcome to Independent Underground Radio LIVE - MICHIGAN'S TOP POLITICO PODCAST - Aired each Tuesday & Thursday @ 11am ET. On The Program: -Rev. Edward Pinkney from B.A.N.C.O. and host of the Blog Talk Radio Program Pinkney to Pinkney will visit our program to discuss the issue of Ballot Box Fraud in Benton Harbor, Michigan. Bentonn Harbor was the first community to receive an "Emergency Financial Manager" under Michigan former law P.A. 4 and now P.A. 436. By maintaining a Emergency Manager on Michigan's cities with a high minority population, is Governor Rick Snyder surpressing African-American votes? Will discuss. -Jasir Adeyemi- Insurance agent with Humana and expert on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will stop by the program to dismantle the untruths told on ACA by groups like the "Americans for Prosperity" organization now airing a commercial in Michigan using a woman from Grand Rapids attacking Senator Candidate Gary Peters for his vote to approve the groundbreaking legislation. -And we will cover other important HOT POLITICO TOPICS of the day! Independent Underground Radio LIVE FEATURED FOUR YEAR ON BTR -Progressive Talk Radio- podcast based out of Ann Arbor covering Michigan and National Politics, breaking news and more. As Michigan's Top Politico podcast, IU Radio LIVE had over 200K podcast downloads in 2013 alone! Host Monica RW is an owner/writer for the popular Independent Underground News website, media consultant for ROJS Media LLC, a experienced grassroots and elected local political leader, and brings her researched Independent opinions to the political issues of the day. Call into the show with your thoughts and opinions at 347-934-0185 or tweet us @IUNewsTalk.