(20m) Z. Christopher Mercer - Your Buy-Sell Probably Has Flaws - Fix Them!

Exit Coach Radio show

Summary: Z. Christopher Mercer, of Mercer Capital, discusses how he rarely sees a Buy-Sell Agreement that does not have one or more flaws and what they usually are. He notes that everything that you do can vanish if the Buy-Sell has a valuation error. And he talks about some of the fixes, including offering two books and a checklist that Business Owners and Advisors can use to address their Agreement. Of particular note is Chris' Blog, and we recommend you check out www.ChrisMercer.net We add new content daily! Listen on iTunes: iTunes.ExitcoachRadio.com . See the Index for more on this Topic or by this Guest . Host: Bill Black, The Exit Coach Radio Show - the Information Station for age 50+ business owners. Click for FREE E-book "100 Words from 20 Advisors" How Ready Is Your Business for Transfer or Sale? Click for FREE Assessment Report"Come Listen for a Minute"