Rev VR Podcast - Episode 55

Rev VR Podcast show

Summary: After reading several articles today in regards to the outcry from Oculus Kickstarter backers, I felt it was necessary to grab a couple of them and let them speak their mind on the podcast. Nikki and 320 (not his real name) join me on this episode of the Rev VR Podcast. 320 backed the Kickstarter with the intention of getting his hands on a development kit and helping to bring VR to the masses. Nikki, on the other hand, only backed for the sheer passion and a cool t-shirt. Both of them have a great story to tell and were exicited to have the opportunity to address some of the concerns that are causing such an uproar. Several Kickstarter backers were unable to join us, but still wanted to have their voice heard. I read several statements that were sent to me so as to give everyone a voice. One contributer, mathpill, was very upset and sent his case along with several quotes from Palmer to justify his concerns. I read his statement and we debated it as well. I also used this podcast as an opportunity to thank everyone who did back the Oculus Kickstarter. No matter which side of this debate you fall on, or how you feel about the aquisition, I want you to know that without you, VR might not have ever become a reality.The entire VR community owes you a large amount of gratitude for believing in something so strongly that you were willing to put your hard earned money behind it. We are all going to have a chance to experience this amazing technology because of you. Whether you feel betrayed or you are excited about the recent events, know that you have my sincere thanks for being forward thinking pioneers of the future.