"ET Presence" author Renato Longato

Starseed Radio Academy show

Summary: Renato Longato is a Peruvian-American, living in California. Born in Lima, Peru, he holds a degree in Law and Political Science at the University Inca Garcilazo. Renato has researched the UFO phenomena since his initial experiences back in 1979.  Author of "Message from the Andes", and "Gods of the Past – Enigmas of the Inca Architecture", Renato coordinated a UFO phenomenon conference with the Peruvian Air Force. He has presented conferences at:  World Bank in Washington D.C., The Masonic Temple in Peru, The Museum of History and Archeology in Peru; International UFO Congress; The Society for Scientific Exploration, the Bay Area UFO Expo, ECETI in WA, Exopolitic European Summit, Unity Church in Atlanta. He has lectured in South America, the U.S. and Europe in both English and Spanish. Renato has recently given lectures in Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Spain and Portugal. In April 2012 Renato’s latest book "ET Presence-Role of USA and New World Visions" offers a new perspective about the presence of ETs, and how their arrival over the last 60 years has been covered up in the US. Other countries have acknowledged the ET presence; will America own up to the truth? Or be forced under exceptional circumstances to begin a communications with ETs? The author provides insights and historical references concerning the potential cultural impact of the ET presence with the USA as the main leading country in the epicenter of economic, social and geopolitical changes. This book summarizes more than 30 years of study and research about UFO’s and looks at the forthcoming possibilities.http://www.renatolongato.com At the top of the show, it's the Starseed News Segment with Anastasia, bringing topics of interest to starseed.